Saturday, October 14, 2006


4 days before i'm on Polish terretory again... Nice thing... Finaly I will be aible to kiss my girl all over again, 23 days is long...

This movie under this text I took in Krakow, 2 months ago. It's Aneta's favorite Ukrainian instrument: The bandoura, a crossing between a harp and a guitar...

See you in a few days...

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

For al the dziewczyna in the house !

Here is your favorit Belgian fruitbeer it's great for mixture with heavy alcohol ( like Aneta said )
it has only 3,2 % of alcohol, but mix this together with Duvel and Safari and you get PERVER BOEM BOEM. The most dangerous alcohol you can drink ( but still very tasty )


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Co to jest?


Today I had my first Polish test, and I did great, so it's time to say something .....
Co to jest? To jest samochód!
To nie jest samochód, to jest wrak

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Belgium products: bardzo dobre part 1

Belgium products are famous in food, but even more in drinks. Belgium counts about 500 kinds of different beers.

And i'm not talking about lager beers only.. We have lager, blond, brown, fruit beers, trappist, abdijbeer, ....

The top of the beers in belgium are for specials beers: Leffe ( 5 kinds 6,6, 9, 11 % of alcohol )
Duvel ( 8,5 %), Jupiler ( 5,2 %) and Palm ( 5,4%)

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The Holy products of Belgium part 2...

While the media is making problems about Belgium, I'm working on Belgiums marketing :)A lot of people around the world don't know when thay eating or drinking a Belgium product.For those people some professional helf from somebody who tried everything....

1) For our first product, you should know that Belgium always has been supresed by other countries, and one of them was France, so they came the saw and they stole ... our Fries !

Like the English say ( and they have no brain ) French Fries; a very big mistake people ! Have you ever eaten fries in France, if you want to die, be my guest!

They are calles Belgian Fries, and the secret recepy I will chair whit you people. The only thing is... it's secret ! so hmm.... how to fix it? Ok i know, let's just write in in Dutch :p

Ingredienten800 gr bintje, gold of russett Zout naar smaak toevoegen
BereidingSchil de aardappelen, was in stromend water en droog ze met een handdoek. Snij staafjes van 1 cm en maak een insnede aan een kant (zie foto). Verhit de friteuze op 140°C en bak (niet teveel in een keer) de frieten gedurende 4 a 6 minuten, afhankelijk van friteuze. De frietjes mogen nog niet gekleurd zijn, maar moeten wel gaar zijn. Dat test je door er met je duiim op een friet te duwen. Als de friet makkelijk plat gaat, zijn ze gaar. Laat ze uitdruppelen op huishoudpapier. Zet de friteuze nu op 190°C en bak de friten een tweede keer tot ze mooi goudbruin zijn. Laat ze uitdruppelen op huishoudpapier. Voeg wat zout bij de frieten en dien direct op met een goeie steak bearnaise.

2) Our second product is : The chocolate...

Once you start it's a real addiction... Belgium chocolate is available in tablets in all colours and tastes. Also available in pralines ( little chocolates ) filled with alcohol or praliné.
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For you...

Grzegorz Markowski & Mika Urbaniak - Wymyśliłem ciebie

Dzisiaj nagle wymyśliłem ciebie
Twoje imię zadźwięczało we mnie.
Choć tyle innych jestznam tylko jego dźwięk.
Do mnie mów najłagodniejjak tylko
Ty potrafiszi podaj rękę spłoszonąszczęściem nagłym.
Dla ciebie usta mojei ciepło moich dłoni.
A potem przyjdą nocejak psy wierne pod nasz dom.

Jaką drogę wybierzemy razem?
Spłonął wieczór w horyzoncie gwiazdą.
Ta gwiazda świeci znównad jedną z naszych dróg.
W oczy patrz najłagodniejjak tylko ty potrafiszi całuj wargi spłoszoneszczęściem nagłym.
Dla ciebie usta mojei ciepło moich dłoni.
A potem przyjdą nocejak psy wierne pod nasz dom.

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The Fellowship of Aminski

Long time, I know, but as future husband, full-time manager and after-hours organisator I realy had some busy times.

Sunday 8 octobre, city-elections.... What a joke! Sometimes when I see the +40 habitants of Belgium I really need to trow up. While the yought is organising free concerts for tollerance and anti-racisme, those people just look to their own little world. So for the 4th time in a row, The right ( racist & Facist ) political party, grows... You can easily split Belgium in to 2 big parts.

1st part is the frenchspeaking part ( Wallonia ), there is less then 1 % voting for this faction
2nd part is the dutchspeakingpart ( Flandria ), where 25 % is voting for this faction.

The second part you can devide into the 5 dutch provinces.

West-Flandria : 18 % is voting for them
East-Flandria: 15 % is voting for them
Brabant ( arround Brussels ): 10 %
Limbirg ( next to Germany ): 18 %
Antwerp: 35 %

so on 6 million people 1,5 milion people are racist, and people with no tollerance...
70% of those people are +40 year.

I'm glad i'm living with the more toleranting people; and even then, when i see my neigbours...

Ok it's not all bad, Since few months I have new neigbours, and for the first time I'm living here, I spent the whole evening over there drinking Martini and taling about my famous legends that are aperently flying around in my street. I learned that in the hairdressershop they are telling the people that there is living a gangster in my house... strange I never saw him :p ...

The sun is setting at the Polish - Ukrainian border, Przemysl, the homecity of my kochanie...

A panoramic view over Poland and Ukrain

My honey and my friends dancing on my 24th birthday... Sto Lat :)

The end of my journey to Poland, up to the next time...

Greetings, Aminski

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