Friday, August 18, 2006

Tak, tak, Aminski popolskó :)

Hello everybody, fridaynight, start of the weekend for most people... to bad I have to work tomorrow, but no problem I like my job, so :)...

This noon i went to subscribe myself to the nightschool in my city. From 7th of septembre I will be following Polish lesons. I had to do it. The people who are commenting this blog are writting in polish :( so, I have to now what they are saying. So be warned people, Aminski will be back in polish style :)

My girl went to Przemysl, to visit her family, to bad she has no internet connection over there. Lucky next week I will be in Poland. A weekend with my girl will do me good...

Have a nice evening


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The world around...

I've been thinking where in the world I put foot on the ground. Just take the calculation for your self.

Let's see:

  1. France
  2. The Netherlands
  3. Germany
  4. Great Britain
  5. Poland
  6. Spain
  7. Portugal
  8. Algeria
  9. Luxembourg
  10. Belgium
  11. Switzerland

Who can do better ?? :)



Monday, August 14, 2006

To be or not to be...

For me that questions is answerd. I want to be with my girl. You know when you love somebody that much, even a few hours can make you feel bad wirhout eachother. Try to imagine 4 weeks. So I decided to book the weekend of 25 august and to fly back to Poland. It's only for 2 days, but that will ease the pain... So I was thinking maybe I should ask Sky Europe the give some kind of "Love-Reduction", after all i was flying with them all summer :).

Tomorrow a well deserved holiday. How I will spend it? Afcourse sleep half the day. Wake up, clean up the visit of my friend the evening before... and then going to sleep again. Holidays can be so nice :)

So we will be soon together again, I can handle now 2 weeks; just by knowing it isn't 4 weeks anymore...


Aminski Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Aminski goes wild...

While my feature wife went for a barbequing holiday with her friends, I decided to take my little sister to a unforgettable themapark holiday.

For people who have never been in Belgium before, I first have to tell you something about our weather. How can I explain it simple?? hmm... Ah right, there is no possible explination. So today was grey, clouded and rainy... The ideal weather for summerday at a themepark.

Ok, ok I exagerate, it was good, because many people stayed at home afraid that their suntain would wash of in the falling rain. So we had no queues and no waiting.

So we went on our way with my digital camera armed. Just to give you an idea of the local fauna & flora, I made some pictures ( see below ) for people who don't realy have the money to travel to Africa... Belgium has a solutions for everything...



PS: For the people who are waiting that I reveal the "Mystery of the melted cheese" I have bad news, only tomorrow will I see my friend and hopefully also the answer that we're all looking for... Be strong! Posted by Picasa

Aminski goes wild part III

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Aminski goes wild part II

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Aminski goes wild part I

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